January 7th, 2024


2024.01.07 - Way overdue

So, after procrastinating too much (and getting a bit frustrated with Neocities' file uploading), I finally got around to finishing the website! Or, at least, the basic stuff. There's still a lot I have planned, but I wanted to at least get the essentials out of the way first, which would be the art gallery (or galleries) and some info pages. Right now my priorities regarding what remain would probably be as follows:

- Finish the wiki/encyclopedia, which is probably the main reason I wanted to create a website to begin with. Right now the Frostburn tab is kinda empty because I need to make a bunch of assets for it first, but I was too preoccupied with getting the simple but tedious stuff out of the way first. I'll try to at least get some basic character pages made in the meantime until I can decorate them properly;

- Make the design fancier. Again, I wanted to keep it simple for now because I figured I'd get more ideas in the process, and I already set up some of the pages to allow changing their design on the fly;

- Improve the gallery. Right now the image viewing page is kinda simple out of necessity. Since then I've learned how to make headers/footers that can be inserted into multiple pages by changing only one file, but *huffs copium* I kinda like the simpler page design more because it feels less distracting without all the extra buttons. Still, I'll probably need to add next/previous buttons to all the image pages later, so I'll have plenty of time to implement that.

There are probably other things I'll need to do, but right now these would be the priority. Well, and drawing more, of course. Still, hopefully you enjoy browsing this little webpage, it reminded me how much I used to like messing around with HTML back in the day and it's nice to have a personal page away from social media.

Like I said at the top, I probably won't be updating this webpage too often, but I'll definitely write about any website-related news or if anything important happens in my life. Until then, see ya soon!
