


Also Known As:
Pam, Pammy
Age: 21 years
Height: around 1½ heads shorter than average
Race: Western Lunare
  • The University

  • Student

Pamela is a promiscuous student at the University whose special talent is growing to an incredibly large size.


Pamela is a very short and very busty western lunare (dog) with long light brown hair, fluffy upright dog ears, short tail, and light brown round eyes with long eyelashes. She frequently dyes her hair in unusual colour combinations, but most commonly she simply dyes the tips of her hair blonde. Her hair is usually long and messy but she also likes to cut it short sometimes. She paints her nails and toenails with a black nail polish and whenever barefoot also wears toe rings and anklets.

Her usual attire if a black tanktop, tied up to reveal her navel and accompanied with a pair of dog tags, lavender torn jeans unbuttoned to reveal her black panties, black sneakers and a long aviator jacket. Her left ear has a pair of plain metal earrings along with piercing on her navel.

Personality and Traits

Pamela is fun-loving and cheerful, always being the life of any party and easily befriending anyone she meets. Those who stick around her long enough are however quick to find out just how boastful and overbearing she can really be.

Pompous and rebellious, Pamela is the last person one would expect to be studying at the University. And sure enough, if it weren't for her current situation and her unique talent she wouldn't be here, but she has to begrudgingly accept it.

Pamela has a great singing voice and used to play in a garage band. Ironically, despite her voice being much more suited for classical singing, she enjoys playing punk rock the most and frequently tries to make her voice more gravelly while screaming into the microphone instead.

Her special talent is the ability to grow to an incredibly huge size, something she only discovered recently and as such currently has little control over. Those growth spurts usually happen as a result of intense emotions, which in her case happen to be sexual arousal and orgasming. While she has mostly been able to keep such growth spurts subdued, she can still easily lose control over it if she feels too much pleasure.

Pamela is incredibly promiscuous, to the point of considering being called a "slut" a compliment. Whenever she's not busy being passed around between a group of men, she likes to record or livestream herself doing naughty acts both for personal enjoyment and as an extra means of income.


During her time in Astrolibert Pamela was a notorious delinquent, hanging around punk circles and having some fame in the underground music scene.

After an incident during which she suddenly learned about her hidden talent and accidentally caused a lot of collateral damage, she attracted the government's attention and was forced into hiding. Having learned about her situation, Hyperborea agents working in the Belsev embassy sought her out and offered her political asylum, under the condition that she move to Belsev and enroll into the Arcane University of Thaumaturgy and Study of Magic. Not having much of a choice, she accepted the offer and is now trying to get accustomed to her new life.



Ivan is the first person Pamela met upon her arrival to Belsev, who helped her find her way to the University. As a result she has taken a liking to him, and due to her promiscuous nature the two often end up getting intimate.

Alice, Lilith and Samantha

Pamela, Alice, Lilith and Samantha form together a group of close friends. Alice is her best friend at the University who frequently helps Pamela with her studies and often gets dragged into Pamela's hijinks. Lilith is her cynical and snarky roommate who frequently bets Pamela to get into those stupid situations to begin with. Samantha is Pamela's teacher who disapproves of her lifestyle and feels the need to keep a close eye on the group as a result.

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See also

Category: The University